单词 crack down on 例句大全,用单词crack down on造句:

crack down on such illegal acts as manufacturing and marketing fake or shoddy goods
开展打击制造, 销售伪劣商品活动
We should crack down on pornography and illegal publications and resist vulgar trends.
to crack down on unlicensed recreation, entertainment and dance entertainment activities.
Cooperate with the relevant government departments, crack down on fake and shoddy products.
We should crack down on the action of taking bribes in secret and offering favors in return.
Crack Down on Illegal Activities in the Field of Academy and Strengthen the Editors of Journals
As authorities began to crack down on the ryle smugglers, Fortuna decided to quit the business.
Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front.
Schools are starting to crack down on students who are verbally abusive towards their classmates.
The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.
No wonder that the authorities concerned would pledge to strictly crack down on this illegal conduct.
In Guangdong Province prostitution is rampant, why dont we crack down on the worst proprietors of brothels
广东卖淫罪犯那么猖獗, 为什么不严惩几个最恶劣的
The police are going to crack down on illegal internet cafe located at the intersection of the city and suburbs.
Game misconduct penalty We are resolved to crack down on the person who commits violations of law and discipline.
Beyond all doubt, we must crack down resolutely on the unrepentant diehards among the sworn followers of the Gang of Four.
We must severely crack down on tax evasion, tax fraud, money laundering, smuggling and other illegal and criminal activities.
严厉打击偷逃骗税, 洗钱和走私等违法犯罪活动。
A relentless campaign to crack down on criminal activities is being carried out, therefore you'd better do honest work from now on.
Bottles of wine are to carry health warnings from next year under Government plans to crack down on so-called"binge drinking".
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单词 crack down on 释义



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