单词 crack up 例句大全,用单词crack up造句:

At the crack of dawn, we get up to open our presents.
I'd crack up if there wasn't someone I could talk to.
Little kids just crack me up with the things they say.
The comedian made his audience crack up with laughter.
I was up at the crack of dawn trying to finish my essay.
The water bubbled up through a crack in the basement floor.
These days all sorts of people were up at the crack of dawn.
Cyril is going to crack up If he does not stop working so hard.
如果西里尔继续这样拼命工作, 他会垮下来的。
The truck that passes by relax of a disease gives crack up door.
Crack oneself up has fine hand, rejuvenescent force is boundless.
业不在精, 会唬则灵。斯是诊室, 惟吾称雄。
We can use it to crack each other up, and we're going to do that.
Let us toss up a coin to decide crack is to begin trap negative er.
You may even use them to crack a joke to lighten up a conversation.
They don't realize that not everyone gets up before the crack of dawn.
So, before you finish up your Christmas shopping, crack open a cookbook.
因此, 在你完成你的圣诞购物之前, 打开一本食谱。
Candy You crack me up. You have3 closets filled to the brim with clothes.
I kept a straight face as long as I could, but I finally had to crack up.
我尽量板着面孔, 但最后还是控制不住失声大笑起来。
Strive to Build up a Crack and Efficient Contingent of Student League Cadres
You want to be able to open it up, crack it open, look at the wiring inside.
你会想要打开它,拆开它 看看里面电线的连接
Gather up seam Some floors extend count day, larger crack appeared between batten.
Suddenly, without warning the plane seemed to crack up as it was about to take off.
飞机将要起飞时, 突然, 没有得到任何警告, 就好像要撞裂了。
Wu rises and Sun Wu together, but be framed up by the mean person, car crack but die.
He still felt cold, so got up, buttoned his jacket and opened the door a crack to peep out.
坐着也是冷, 他立起来, 系好了钮扣, 开开一点门缝向外看了看。
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单词 crack up 释义

  • 单词释义:破裂;(体力、精力等)垮掉;<非正>夸奖;变干  [更多..]



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