单词 crisis period 例句大全,用单词crisis period造句:

This crisis might last for a long period of time.
Rumors Communication and Control Measures during the Crisis Period
Gentry and local during the period of crisis taking Jin Sheng as the example
The slowdown is an abrupt reversal from the period leading up to the crisis.
It can't really make the difference that ought to be made in a period of crisis.
Changes of learning from the crisis situation in the period of Jiaqing and Daoguang
Undergoes the very serious financial crisis, the regulatory period has been long enough.
历过很严重的金融危机, 调整期已足够长。
He underwent a period of spiritual crisis, converted to Puritanism, and become a preacher.
The economic crisis facing Argentina had begun after the base period for the current scale.
during the crisis continuing period media should focus on social coordination, comfort, dredge
危机持续期, 媒体应注重社会协调, 抚慰疏导
Economic Reason and Analysis Theory on the Belief Crisis in the Period of Social Transformation
This department is in a period of crisis right now because most of the young teachers are still inexperienced.
这个系正处在青黄不接的时期, 青年教师大都还不成熟。
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