单词 catch up with 例句大全,用单词catch up with造句:

You have to exert more efforts if you want to catch up with your classmates.
你要想赶上你的同学的话, 就得多花些功夫。
I can feel the pressure of the last few months beginning to catch up with me.
She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with her classmates.
她学得非常努力, 以便赶上她的同学。
Our team must catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels of basketball.
They are making every effort to catch up with the advanced level in our country.
We can't catch up with progress blindly without thinking of our current situation.
No matter how difficult it was, he tried his best to catch up with his classmates.
不论多难, 他尽了最大努力赶上他的同学。
Throwing bones have been completed, like the original two, a wolf to catch up with.
骨头已经投完了, 然而两只狼像原来一样追赶屠户。
None of the competitors could catch up with the untiring runner who was in the lead.
To catch up with the advanced country in economy is our constant goal in the century.
My family members catch up with one another's virtual day while sitting on our couch.
Nevertheless, its advertisement appeal is other website too far behind to catch up with.
But to catch up with the world's most advanced countries, we need to make greater efforts.
但是要赶上世界最先进的国家, 我们还需作更大努力。
One must learn from those who are more advanced before he can catch up with and surpass them.
学习先进, 才有可能赶超先进。
Their boat has moved down the river with a favorable current, so it's hard for us to catch up.
I wanted to so much to catch up with Ange whilst in Melbourne but the opportunity never arose.
China must catch up with the most advanced countries in the world. But how shall we go about it?
Wushu turn, retreat in Kaifeng, Yue Corps Sishili catch up with letters to leave the Zhuxian Town.
In order to catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels we'll have to accelerate our speed.
Currently, our little island needs to quicken the pace and catch up with other countries around the world.
But the development underscores the country's ability to catch up with advanced foreign aerospace technology.
Both parents helped their daughter put on the dinosaur costume, then ran with her to catch up with the others.
Review the past, look forward to the future and catch up with the current of time to strive for new achievements
I was too busy gasping, laughing, whooping, and waiting for my stomach to catch up with me to worry about such trifles.
Wan Jun was such a fast runner that he could almost catch up with a deer. Wan Jun ran so fast that he could almost catch up with a deer.
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单词 catch up with 释义

  • 单词释义:追上; 赶上;和…算旧账;使…最终尝到苦果  [更多..]



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