单词 cellar door 例句大全,用单词cellar door造句:

That door gives onto the secret cellar.
Can you hear the knocks on cellar door?
Cellar Door Wine Club membership is free.
Waterproof watchesa fireproof cellar door.
Dorothy pick up toto and ran to the cellar door.
I opened the cellar door and started down the stairs.
我打开地窖的门, 顺着梯子走下去。
He stood before the panelled door leading to the cellar.
One day whileher guardian was out she did open the cellar door.
一天, 她养父母出门了, 她就打开了地窖的门。
His wife Rosemary, a nursing sister by background, runs the cellar door.
他的太太罗斯玛丽做过护理工作, 就替他管理酒窖。
When he arrived at the shop, Oliver was still kicking wildly at the cellar door.
他来到棺材店时, 奥利弗还在发疯似地踹着地下室的门。
And then I happened to see cellar door open. And there was a light on downstairs.
然后我碰巧看到地下室的门开着, 楼下的灯开着。
They broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the outbuildings.
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单词 cellar door 释义



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