单词 cheaper 例句大全,用单词cheaper造句:

Crack is a much cheaper, smokable form of cocaine which is powerfully addictive.
It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transport.
I cant afford a pair of nike, too expensive. Get me something cheaper, please.
Sending it parcel post would be cheaper, but it wouldn't arrive for about a month.
It'll be a lot cheaper than getting a passport and it will keep the border moving.
The poor performance has been blamed on the recession and cheaper sports car imports.
Nor, as the media in New Zealand has observed, is it likely to bring cheaper airfares.
It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transportation.
The idea was apparently to stop Azerbaijan helping the Georgians with cheaper supplies.
There has been a rise in cheaper imports of textiles to Britain from foreign producers.
Customer acquisition costs for return customers are much cheaper than for mew customers.
The authorities must provide some cheaper apartment for those families with low incomes.
The atomic bomb had the great advantage of being cheaper than mas armiesand mach quicker.
原子弹与大规模武力相比极具便宜, 快速的优势。
From this perspective, competitive state, the rocket is absolutely seized a large cheaper.
单从竞技状态这个角度上讲, 火箭绝对是捡了一个大便宜。
Huang Huiwen expresses, cost of accredit of copyright of section purpose network is cheaper.
黄蕙雯表示, 节目得网络版权授权费比较便宜。
It's cheaper to take out an annual subscription than to buy the periodical from a news agent.
Coal and natural gas are cheaper than solar and wind, and petroleum is cheaper than biofuels.
煤炭和天然气比太阳能 和风能更便宜 石油比生物燃料便宜
Most of the medicines provided by Brazilian laboratories are much cheaper than those imported.
It would be easier and cheaper to make a modern approximation of royalty from an earlier period.
现在要建过去这么一套皇族般的庄园更容易, 更便宜。
It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that the fare's cheaper then.
I'll go to Korea by boat next Summer which is cheaper and much more interesting than going by air.
Graphics cards without hardware vertex processing, common on cheaper laptops, do not appear to work.
显卡如果不具有硬件顶点处理能力, 就不能正常工作。
Building new technologies is easier and cheaper than adding retrofits to existing infrastructure, the scientists said.
科学家表示, 建立新技术比翻新既有的设备更简单且便宜。
Swedes are likely to be attracted by the relatively low alcohol prices in Denmark, such as beer that is 68% cheaper than in nearly prohibitionist Sweden.
Enjoying an idle life is certainly cheaper than enjoying a luxury one. To enjoy an idle life, one only needs an artist's disposition, loitering away a leisured afternoon in a completely carefree mood.

单词 cheaper 释义

  • 单词释义:廉价的( cheap的比较级 );低俗的;劣质的;收费低廉的  [更多..]



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