单词 check off 例句大全,用单词check off造句:

Passengers are to check in at the airport an hour before the plane takes off.
Before you turn off the computer, check to see if we have any email would you?
Make sure to keep your portion sizes in check. Try eating off of a smaller plate.
After getting off, please check whether your own belongings left on the drifting boat.
Check before filling tank and start, turn off operation and check during the operation.
Check closets and cupboards. Open doors cautiously. Beware of objects tumbling off shelves.
Memorial Day evening and Im prepping the bike for tomorrows commute. Tires topped off check.
阵亡将士纪念日那天晚上, 我为第二天出行检查自行车。
Check and lock all the doors, and turn off lights in the pantry before you leave the floors.
When he go off shift, he check on carefully with his colleagues to make everything is foolproof.
下班的时候, 他向同事万般交待, 确保万无一失。
I have to work late at the shop tomorrow to check off articles on display as part of the stocktake.
After regulation, turn the burner off and on again several tomes to check that ignition occurs correctly.
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单词 check off 释义

  • 单词释义:登记;清点;<非正>下班;从工资中扣除  [更多..]



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