单词 check up 例句大全,用单词check up造句:

Do a draft of article and I'll check it before you write up the final copy.
先写这篇文章的草稿, 给我检查后, 再拟最后的定稿。
Would you like some walnut cream? I have yet to check up some doubtful points.
Conclusions We must check up patient seriously and define the strabismus type.
Prevision on the Transformations and Tendency of Criminal Registration Check up
An experiment is being carried out to check up on the reliability of the matter.
为了检查仪器的可靠性, 正在进行一项实验。
Shall I a bellboy up to your room for collecting your luggage when you check out?
Check out the cheeky video demo to see what possibilities have now been opened up.
At the regular meetings, the organizing committee should assign and check up work.
After the church service, he and his wife Carol came up to me and handed me a check.
聚会结束后, 他跟嘉露来找我, 递给我一张支票。
Check up accounts for order with dealers to ensure payments are accurate and timely.
与经销商核对订单帐目, 保证付款的准确和及时。
The check list is baseline of incoming quality check for 1 st batch material for ramp up.
The Government employs tax inspectors to check up and make sure people pay all their tax.
Check out this chat set up specifically for discussion of the Iran election and aftermath.
To check the trees , the peasants pedal their bicycles up and down the mountains everyday.
为了检查那些树, 农民们每天骑自行车上山下山。
Clinical analysis of results of intervention check up and treatment of coronary heart disease
There was one day the handphone billing company called up to check and confirm if the bill is his.
I have to check up the initial plan, calculate the weight and make some adjustment to the ship's draft.
Tried out steering gear, whistle and check up deck watch and telegraph with duty engineer. All in good order
试验舵机, 汽笛, 对时钟和车钟, 一切正常
Ensure the production environment up to standard and the production hygiene, check and follow up once a week.
确保生产环境, 生产卫生, 每周进行检查与改进跟踪。
Party committees should be acquainted with their work and check up on it, but would not attempt to take it over.
The carrier, in performing the formalities for transportation, must check up passengers and baggage in the aircraft.
I want to make sure I'm putting down the correct information on the forms. I have yet to check up some doubtful points.
Deal with the express receiving and dispatching processing, check up and statistic express bill and apply payment every month.
快递收发件处理, 每月的对帐, 统计和申请付款。
Outfits like Network Associates-McAfee and Symantec sell strong virus medicine, keeping their cures up-to-date by posting revisions at their Web sites which you should check often.
I usually don’t go to the hospital very often, but I’ve decided I should start getting a check-up every year. I may as well put this insurance to use and I also don’t wanna die young :D
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单词 check up 释义

  • 单词释义:调查,检查;清理  [更多..]



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