单词 cheer on 例句大全,用单词cheer on造句:

Come on, cheer up! You look like a dying duck I a thunder storm.
Thanks to our soccer players and cheer team! Let's cheer them on!
oh, Im sorry to hear that. You can go on a holiday to cheer you up.
We get to sit on the bleachers, eat our peanuts, and cheer them on!
To cheer on the Steelers and to escape the wintry weather back home.
Mom, Dad and Trey sat in the stands to cheer me on the day of the race.
Helen was doing so well in her performance that I wanted to cheer her on.
They say they never watch ads on TV, but cheer the reruns of the old ones.
When the colorful food placed on the front, you will cheer up involuntary.
We grew up learning to cheer on the underdog because we see ourselves in them.
The thought on the present situation of the cheer section of colleges in, Henna
I thought she seemed unhappy so I took her some flowers on purpose to cheer her up.
我觉得她好像不快活, 便有意识地给她送些花使她高兴。
The sound of the ice cream truck never reached his ears to cheer him on a summer day.
夏天, 卖冰激凌车的声音无法使他兴奋, 因为他听不见。
When Andy Lau, a superstar appeared on the stage, the fans gave him a spontaneous cheer.
当天王巨星刘德华登上舞台时, 歌迷们发出自发的喝彩声。
Stick around, enjoy the festivities, meet a few people, and cheer on your fellow runners!
From this year on, we have reduced several agricultural and livestock breeding taxes, so the peasants clap and cheer.
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单词 cheer on 释义

  • 单词释义:向…欢呼, 为…鼓劲加油  [更多..]



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