单词 build in 例句大全,用单词build in造句:

Often, change in any build property requires complete reconfiguration of the build tree.
The compiler records static references in the assembly manifest's metadata at build time.
在生成时, 编译器在程序集清单的元数据中记录静态引用。
On physical examination, the patient is a man of moderate build, in no apparent distress.
患者体形适中, 没有明显痛苦面容。
Socialism cannot build in the country that is full of blind of analphabetic, division in.
In ancient times, people liked to build their front gate facing the street in a grand way.
古时候, 有钱人总会把街门盖得很气派。
Strategies for Solving the Problems Faced in the Agronomy Specialty Build in the New Stage
It is to build a house with affection, even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
And then you can break down each country in terms of the actual datasets that build into it.
然后你可以将每个国家 按实际多数据集分开看。
The Romans they were the first to build aqueducts in the area to aid irrigation of the land.
She said it is also in the U.S. interest to help the nations of Africa build stable societies.
她说, 帮助非洲国家建立稳定的社会也符合美国精神。
Regret being an appalling waste of energy you can not build on it its only good for wallow in.
后悔是精力的一大浪费你不能靠它, 只适宜沉迷于其中。
Goals are assigned to build phases with packaging and plugins. Set the packaging to apk in pom. xml.
To make full use of the advertisement, we should build a creditable atmosphere in the business circle.
They use the tragicomedy in the form of integration to build its own aesthetic character of the novel.
Build in a highball glass over ice and fill with Ginger Ale. Garnish with an orange peel and a cherry.
You can use the flashlight when you take a photo indoors. There's a build in flash gun in this camera.
Persisting in Eight Character Guideline, Driving Ethic Build of Hospital up to High Administrative Levels
Manual exposure camera all have build in light meter which tell you exactly what exposure you have to set.
Impact on Aquatic Environment in the Upstream, Estuary and Nearshore due to Sluice Build in the River Estuary
In this walkthrough, you step through the process of analyzing and understanding the results of a project build.
在本演练中, 您将逐步完成分析和理解项目生成结果的过程。
In order to build public transport services brand, excellent service characteristics to build brand credibility.
Build contemporary agriculture company, the farmer becomes a shareholder with cropland, participate in profit share out bonus.
Challenges and Trend of the War on Terror in Southeast Asia and the Measures to Be Taken to Build Yunnan International Grand Passageway
Running with a low load of fuel meant there was more room for a build-up of petrol in the tank in front of the driver, which in a head-on crash... you get the picture.
In 1998, at the climax of the months of build-up to the football World Cup final in France, the Three Tenors performed on a special stage under the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
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单词 build in 释义

  • 单词释义:建造成(房间等的)一部分,使成为一部分  [更多..]



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