单词 broken roof 例句大全,用单词broken roof造句:

Ending in broken roof zone
On both slopes of the roof there are broken tiles.
The eaves on the roof have broken, they need repair.
这个房子得檐漏已经损坏了, 需要修理一下。
The eaves on the roof have broken, they need repair.
这个房子的檐漏已经损坏了, 需要修理一下。
Bits of broken glass lashed down on the roof, making a terrible noise.
The silence was broken only by the steady drip, drip of water from the roof.
He looked through the crack of the broken roof and saw six thieves busy dividing loot among them.
他从破损的屋顶裂缝看进去, 发现有六个小偷正忙着分赃
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