单词 brush up 例句大全,用单词brush up造句:

It would be wise for you to brush up on your French before going to Paris.
在去巴黎之前, 你最好先重温一下你的法语。
In addition, bearing in mind that clean up litter on the backs of the brush.
另外, 要注意清理书背纸屑毛刷的使用。
If you're going to the United States, you'd better brush up on your English.
如果你要去美国, 你最好先复习一下你的英文。
Tom gave up the brush with reluctance in his face, but alacrity in his heart.
Please pass up the paint pot and brush; I'll put another coat on the ceiling.
When traveling, it's important to brush up your ability to relay information.
You'd better brush up on your English since you decide to study in the U.S.A.
And I got to brush up on an old favorite, the best business book Ive ever read.
And thrush birds, curved eyebrows like really use the brush painting up the same
还有画眉鸟, 弯弯的眉毛就像真的用画笔画上去一样
I hadn't thought that we would brush up against so much opposition in this town.
Brush bottom oil. Brush alcoholic acid varnish equably go up in metope, ply moderate.
Fold bottom third of the rectangle up toward the centre, and brush off any extra flour.
Use the top of the brush in an up and down movement to clean the back of the front teeth.
Brush the plain dough with egg white and place over the chocolate dough, and then roll up.
将纯味面团薄薄扫上蛋清, 铺于巧克力味面团上再卷起来。
In mounting irritation, Xiangzi deliberately pulled up to brush the snow off his shoulders.
Encouraged by his mother, the little boy picked up his brush and continued with the painting.
Immerse yourself into the Old Testament and brush up your knowledge about the Book of the books!
It's possible to clean up stubborn oil stains and besmirches with cleaning agent and woolen brush.
On the same day, the children pick up the brush on a piece of paper describing their dreams and future.
The bartender's heart went cold as he saw the main judge pick up the red brush used for writing out the death sentence.
When I get up in the morning, I will wash my face and brush my teeth. After using the toilet, I will always wash my hands.
Brush Your Teeth Brush, brush, brush your teeth Use some toothpaste too Brush up and down and all around And eat whats right for you.
The little blue organisms lined up along the brush border of the small intestinal epithelium are Cryptosporidia. This infection causes diarrhea in immunocompromised hosts.
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单词 brush up 释义

  • 单词释义:向上梳(某物);<非正>温习;打扮整洁  [更多..]



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