The shop decided to clear off the winter clothes when the new summer fashions arrived.
Back at Fatty's Tailor Shop, Fatty and his wife are busy making clothes for other customers.
One day, a Christian man came to the Celestial Clothes Shop to look at the celestial jewelry.
Our fashionable dress shop has specially set up a popular clothes counter, and welcomes your patronage.
My shop is newest promoted portable trades the clothes awning, completely has solved these difficult problems.
我店最新推出的便携式换衣棚, 完全解决了这些难题。
Westernstyle clothes elaBorately made By this centuryold shop will enaBle you to have the elegant demeanour of a celeBrity.
Oracles employees are encouraged to use their computers - and company time - to shop for clothes at a discount, research child-care providers, buy pet health insurance, order movie tickets and more.
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