单词 close to 例句大全,用单词close to造句:

If the end point is close to the equivalence point, the titration is accurate.
若终点与当量点接近, 滴定是准确的。
In addition, aerosols can decrease the intensity of inversion close to ground.
I'd hold them close to try to absorb some of the blissful sleep that I craved.
我抱紧他们, 希望从他们身上吸取一点我渴望的宝贵睡眠。
Is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking.
Yes, as a college student, it is difficult to perform so close to Asian record.
是呀, 作为大学生能跑出接近亚洲纪录的成绩真是不简单呀!
This is actually a symbol of that game industry has begun to close to maturity.
这实际上是一个象征, 即游戏产业已经开始接近成熟期。
These people live so close to the active volcano because the soil is so fertile.
No additive manufacturing today gets even close to this level of sophistication.
Keeply look out for vessels and fishing boats not to approach too close to them.
敏锐的了望船只和渔船, 切勿过于靠拢。
However, some liberal critics say the administration is too close to Wall Street.
然而, 一些自由派批评人士说, 政府与华尔街关系太密切了。
Predators or people close to wild animals, can be directly affected by the virus.
人猎食或亲近野生动物, 可直接受到病毒感染。
pretty close to It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth
这是个精明的估断, 或许相当接近事实
Now she has enough time to rest, and there are close to her body advertising wave.
She came to my bedside, put her candle close to my face and stared fiercely at me.
她来到我床边, 用蜡烛照着我的脸, 凶狠地盯着我。
Columnar cells close to the edge of the operation range show regenerating actively.
One tube is a domestic advanced centrifuge model, close to international standards.
Don't allow incapable person or unrecognized person to move close to the equipment.
They rotate and accelerate electrons in their vicinity to close to the speed of light.
And so, we can say, although not absolutely true, that it's pretty close to being true.
One woman Jesus seems to have been close to, apart from his mother, was Mary Magdalene.
Juventus close to deal for Red Star's Zigic Juventus are in advanced talks Nikola Zigic.
This guy fails to keep his elbows close to his body and he has leaned too much backward.
Given that we have come close to an agreement, we should try to formalize that agreement.
Dont allow the animal to become too close to you. And dont take their behavior personally.
Performance can be improved by allowing the predicate to be applied close to the table access.
通过允许将谓词应用到表访问, 可以提高性能。
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单词 close to 释义

  • 单词释义:离…近;与…关系密切;近乎;临近  [更多..]



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