单词 close to 例句大全,用单词close to造句:

I'd like to live close to the beach and close to my office, but I can't have things both ways.
我既想住在海边, 又想住在办公室附近, 但是没法两全。
For the inner layer, avoid cotton as it absorbs moisture thereby keeping it close to your body.
为内层, 避免棉花, 因为它吸收水分, 从而把它靠近你的身体。
This document discusses the challenge of making accurate measurements close to the noise floor.
Hot firings show that the frequency of the oscillating shock is close to the acoustic frequency.
Artisans used close to ten tons of amber of different colors and types to recreate the Amber Room.
为了重建琥珀厅, 工匠们使用了近10吨不同颜色和类型的琥珀。
Plans for tightening fiscal policy have appeared in the press, attributed to sources close to her.
媒体报道, 据亲近人士透露, 迪尔玛计划加紧财政政策。
Anxiety is close to the anger in seven emotions, while the depression is similar to thoughtfulness.
He was obviously referring to April1997 when Cambodia was close to reach an agreement to join ASEAN.
The acceleration amplitude of points on soil near foundation is close to that of points on foundation.
It may be more advantageous to locate them close to the generation equipment, for ease of maintenance.
将它们安置在生成设备附近是较有利的, 因为维护方便。
Compared to being eagerly expecting to have, being calmly fearless to lase is more close to happiness.
幸福, 不在于急切地期待拥有, 而在于从容地不惧失去。
A helicopter carries water to extinguish a wildfire burning close to El Arenal, Spain on July 30, 2009.
一架载水扑灭大火燃烧近埃尔阿雷纳尔, 西班牙在2009年7月30号。
Seagulls fly overhead, and you feel like you're next to the sea, that you're really close to the beach.
by contrast, the comprehensive evidence and oxygen isotope temperature may be close to the actual temperature.
If there is a health effect, we would expect people who work close to the transmitter aerials to show effects.
The company has also been forced to take caps on executive pay, the paper said, citing people close to the bank.
该报并援引知情人士的话称, 美银还被迫限制高管薪酬。
The potential adjusting parameters are selected to make the calculated energy band close to experimental results.
Bring the camera as close to the subject as necessary so that the exposure will not be affected by the background.
Its basically close to motivation measures those who come from transnational corporation to invest directly external.
The Boundary Element Method solving the water wave effect on the aerodynamics of a vehicle flying close to water surface
It also is critical to maintain the accuracy of the aperture position as close to the computergenerated design as possible.
Ron Paul said he was not philosophically opposed to centralized authority, as long as it existed close to home, or within it.
No state can be pleased about having representatives of a military bloc to which it does not belong coming close to its borders.
According to the experiment, when the temperature gets close to absolute zero, the resistance of the electric conductor approaches zero.
A large growth in home births in the West has also seen the return to babies being born in the home bedroom, close to father and other members of the immediate family.
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单词 close to 释义

  • 单词释义:离…近;与…关系密切;近乎;临近  [更多..]



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