单词 come round 例句大全,用单词come round造句:

The driver turned the limousine round outside the hotel and drove back the way he had come.
司机在宾馆外将豪华轿车调转头, 朝他来的方向驶去。
Friends come round for a midweek dinner and comment on how attentive we seem to each other.
有朋友来家里聚餐, 他们说我们俩彼此体贴得很。
The journalist had just come off an assignment which had taken him half way round the world.
记者刚完成任务, 这使他转了半个地球。
The electrician will come round to collect the electricity fee for the month one of these days.
Standing outside the station, she looked round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her.
Many chief executives have come round to the view that federal controls would be better than a patchwork of state laws.
Come with me , the man said. Over that hill is an old cellar hole, from somebodys farm of years ago, and there are lilacs all round it.
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单词 come round 释义

  • 单词释义:苏醒;周而复始;造访;开始接受  [更多..]



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