单词 commuter train 例句大全,用单词commuter train造句:

She accidentally stepped on his foot on a crowded commuter train.
Forget that, too expensive. Did you say there was a commuter train.
I know a commuter who ride in town on the first train every morning.
The commuter train jumped the tracks and plowed into a nearby apartment building.
a bomb exploded on a commuter train outside of Chicago, killing everyone on board.
芝加哥城外的城郊列车发生爆炸, 所有乘客罹难
you re gonna hear about a failed terrorist attack on a commuter train near Chicago.
Commuter use of the new subway train is exceeding the transit company's projections.
You have only to witness a commuter train any morning or evening to see the troth of this.
At least 14 people were taken to hospitals after the Chicago commuter train derailed this morning.
One morning, as Ayuta is jostled about on a packed commuter train, he encounters a beautiful woman.
It could be used to power any number of machines, including, for instance, the commuter relatives of the toy train shown here.
它可为许多机器供能, 包括图中所示的玩具通勤列车。
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