单词 concessions 例句大全,用单词concessions造句:

They are calm in part because the concessions on privacy are expected to be limited.
But he and others stressed that these concessions did not affect the overall targets.
Concessions to Mr Ozawa's camp could be smart if they prevent the DPJ from fracturing.
如果为了防止民主党破裂, 对小泽阵营做出让步就是明智的。
We won't make any concessions, for we will not make any profits at the price you named.
我们不能让步, 因为以你们指定的价格我们将无利可图。
But if both sides make concessions, they can reach a good settlement acceptable to both.
双方都让点步, 总能找到好的都可以接受的办法。
However, the Penal Code grants special concessions to women under specific circumstances.
But the more concessions the country independents get, the more it will agitate other MPs.
但更多的让步获得独立的国家, 越会鼓动其他国会议员。
The melon leads slightly to make the concessions, but the bubbling spring has not reported.
瓜帅略作让步, 但未得涌泉相报。
We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock, ie allow a compromise.
我们只能做些较小的让步, 但这就可能打破僵局。
It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.
Would similar belt tightening, tax increases, labor concessions, etc. have been forthcoming?
Would similar belt tightening, tax increases, labor concessions, etc. have been forthcoming ?
The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character.
The need to find agents such as the work of the accounting business, personal, price concessions.
He worked in the police station in the former foreign concessions, but he didn't do anything wrong.
In addition, women heads of households were given priority under the social land concessions programme.
另外, 女户主在社会土地租让方案中被优先考虑。
Both parties bargain with each other, unwilling to make concessions to the profits of their own companies.
Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the implementation column.
Don't let yourself to be browbeaten or cornered into making concessions with which you are not comfortable.
Though they are blood brothers, neither of they is willing to make concessions to the other on something good.
The policy of compromise and concessions is the diametrical opposite of the policy of resolute armed resistance.
They have this point in common both stand for a resolute war of resistance and oppose compromise and concessions.
这两个宣言的共同点是主张坚决抗战, 反对妥协退让。
Fellow patriots throughout the country, unite! Oppose compromise and concessions and support resolute armed resistance!
全国爱国同胞团结起来, 反对妥协退让, 拥护坚决抗战!
The bank now devotes more of its effort to bolstering borrowing governments, rather than wringing concessions from them.
The two parties in dispute wouldn't make any concessions. The only way was to invite the prestigious Sheikh to determine justice.

单词 concessions 释义

  • 单词释义:(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权  [更多..]



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