单词 comparative law 例句大全,用单词comparative law造句:

This has led some economists to examine the implications of the law of comparative advantage.
The second chapter as comparative law research of the level of dismissal protection of China.
A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Forms of Testamentary Dispositions between the Four Law Systems
Mr. Janneh is a member of the Gambia Chapter of the African Society of International and Comparative Law.
The third chapter reviews the comparative law on compensation for nonpecuniary loss in breach of contract.
A Comparative Study on the Application of Law in International Marriage and the Perfection of Relative Laws in China
A Comparative Study on the Situation of Sports Law Research between China and USA and Discussion on Construction of Sports Law as a Subject
A Comparative Analysis of the Forces in the Controversy between the School of Feudal Ethics and the School of Law in the Late Qing Law Making
A Comparative Study between the Theory of Frustration of Contractin British Contract Law and the Theory of Change of Circumastances in Chinese Contract Law
A Comparative Study on General Principles of Criminal Law Between China and Russia A Comparison of Ming Li of the Tang Law and the Current General Rules of the Criminal Law of China
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