单词 concealed 例句大全,用单词concealed造句:

Concealed in the words of Thoth are many meanings that do not appear on the surface.
In addition, the device should not be installed inside a wall or a concealed location.
When the alcove was a large serge curtain drawn from wall to wall concealed the altar.
A few carefully chosen men went ahead while main body remained concealed in the valley.
A gift given in secret soothes anger a bribe concealed in the cloak pacifies great wrath.
His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.
The batteries are concealed in what looks to be the paper portion of a traditional cigarette.
He discovers that Ada has previously concealed herself in the crypt, choosing to die with him.
他发现阿伊达原来早已潜入墓中, 选择与他同死。
It was thinkable that the razor blade might arrive concealed in his food, if he were ever fed.
即使给他送吃的来, 不可想象地里面会藏着刀片。
Its the excavation and representation of Mohists spirit of chivalry that concealed in the folk.
Dependence of concealed tin deposits on morphological features of the concealed granite at Limu
The belt had been concealed under a medical mattress and a young child was sitting on top of it.
The customs officer was imprisoned for conniving at the importation of cocain, concealed in cargo.
The process of explosion condensation mineralization concealed explosion breccia mass is expounded.
论述了隐蔽爆破角砾岩体的爆破 冷凝 成矿过程。
These are associated with the Concealed under mount drawer slides and are required for installation.
However, Gallandro was then killed by cleverly concealed automatic blasters protecting the treasure.
但是, 加兰德罗却被保护宝物的自动爆能枪打死了。
The trace of life might be buried by the time of sand, but the blooming vitality would not be concealed.
Piscine mouth shoe, afterwards follow on current goes this year, if show, toe is like concealed, very sexy.
But after most patient stops drug amenorrhoea, can use booth of small dose bromic concealed to maintain only.
但多数患者停药后又闭经, 只能用小剂量溴隐亭维持。
The Significance of Isthmus Concealed Entrainment in the Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Common Atrial Flutter.
The diagnosis of concealed septal accessory pathways and the exploration of method of radiofrequency catheter ablation
She is powerful what the ground rejected a sitting room is Bacchic, make sleep the room becomes quiet, concealed is close.
她强而有力地拒绝了客厅的喧闹, 使睡房变得安静, 隐密。
When no further delay was possible, they concealed their actual holdings, or retained the good land and gave up the poor land.
到无可延宕时, 即隐瞒土地实数, 或自据肥田, 把瘠田让人。
An Analysis of Application of Factor Analysis in Establishing Concealed Structure Used in Syndrome Differentiation of Chronic Gastritis
Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation in the Treatment of Concealed Accessory Pathway with Centric Retrograde Conduction by Ventricular Pacing

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