单词 conceal from 例句大全,用单词conceal from造句:

He tried to conceal the bad news from his wife , lest she worried.
他尽量对他的妻子隐瞒这个坏消息, 以免她担心。
I cannot conceal from you that sometimes I long for you dreadfully.
I will not attempt to conceal from you that our patience is becoming strained.
A piece of theatrical scenery used to conceal a part of the stage from the audience.
Indeed, he is conscious only in so far as he does not conceal its horror from himself.
的确, 只要他不去刻意隐藏这份恐惧, 他依旧在思考。
Those who write mainly in capitals are trying to conceal their true selves from others.
To escape a character means to conceal it from a subsequent software package or process.
The judge inferred from the answer of the witness what he was trying to conceal something.
He halted many times, wiped his forehead and tried unsuccessfully to conceal his anxiety from himself.
Because the organizations that know it best, that know it from the inside out, are spending work to conceal it.
因为这些机构知道得太多 彻头彻尾 而他们在试图隐藏消息
No unit or individual may conceal, falsely report or hinder another person from reporting animal epidemic information.
conceal your dispositions, and you will be safe from the prying of the subtlest spies, from the machinations of the wisest brains
无形则深间不能窥, 智者不能谋。
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单词 conceal from 释义

  • 单词释义:隐蔽…以避开…, 对…隐藏(某事)  [更多..]



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