单词 conference room 例句大全,用单词conference room造句:

The conference room was spacious and handsome, and we seated ourselves at a large round table.
Then, everyone began to decorate the conference room, and soon a festival atmosphere was created.
Now that the conference is over, all participants please go to the dining room to enjoy your meals.
现在散会, 请所有参会人员到餐厅用餐。
As a broadband table microphone it takes into account the specific acoustics of the conference room.
Gorgeous and spacious conference room, and with a full range of advanced equipment and elegant decoration.
This information will again be updated in a conference room paper for the thirteenth session of the General Conference.
He was instrumental in providing the excellent facilities of the Drug Information Center Conference room for the sessions.
East and west podiums will be equipped with highclass restaurants multifunctional conference room and ca exhibition center.
To manage the workload, we kept the number of rooms low. We chose a hallway and a conference room from the Next Generation series.
为了管理工作量, 我们保持一个低的数量。
A panoramic view of the conference room providing useful information was unattainable with the technology used during the experiment.
凭试验中所用技术, 无法展示提供有用信息的会议室全景。
Meeting schedule arrangement, booking and set up the conference room, reception work and other related activities, prepare and collect documents.
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