单词 confidence game 例句大全,用单词confidence game造句:

A swindle or confidence game.
sucker a tourist into a confidence game.
He was a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game.
That confidence is my name and coolness my game.
One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game.
诱骗者, 赌棍同伙充当眼线的人, 如在一场骗局中。
We have to approach the game with confidence that we can win.
我们必须信心百倍的迎接比赛, 这样我们才能赢。
For this game lost to Ai Sugiyama, said Yan Zi, or lack of confidence.
对于本场比赛输给杉山爱, 晏紫表示还是信心不足。
When the next big game comes along our confidence and those around us will be high.
因而当下? ? 重大比赛来临时, 我们的自信心会变得很强。
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