单词 consumer goods 例句大全,用单词consumer goods造句:

Total Retail Sate of Consumer Goods and Development Rates of Consumer Goods by Year.
The retail channel's Deep cultivate and fine operation of fast moving consumer goods.
And each consumer would receive goods and services in conformity with his preferences.
Zhang said his pay rises were nothing compared to the rising prices of consumer goods.
In consumer goods industries, cost efficiency is usually the reason for an acquisition.
A Research on the ways of Forecasting the Possessive Quantity of Durable Consumer Goods
The sale amount of taxable consumer goods sold by a taxpayer shall be calculated in RMB.
Lowly added products, especially daily consumer goods, require high consumption of energy.
Measures of consumer confidence are plunging, asare purchases of housing and durable goods.
消费者信心大幅下跌, 住房和耐用品的购买量也显著下降。
A high proportion of households now has access to the principal services and consumer goods.
Under this old system, fixed assets are classified as consumer goods and are subject to tax.
So many of his neighbors would ask her grandmother to help weave a number of consumer goods.
Many consumer goods companies are unable to manufacture goods quickly enough to meet demand.
They were paying for machinery, seed and fertilizer, and they were also buying consumer goods.
Any country has the right to lay an embargo on the sale of consumer goods to unfriendly nations.
S. and Europe. The company has a good pulse on global trade and manufacturing of consumer goods.
For taxable consumer goods produced for selfuse, it means theamount of the goods delivered for use.
二, 自产自用应税消费品的, 为应税消费品的移送使用数量。
The extravagant brand is strata consumer goods secondly, as far as sociology significance be concerned.
其次, 就实会学意义而言, 奢侈品牌是上层的消费品。
For taxable consumer goods commissioned for processing, it meansthe amount of goods the taxpayer recovers.
The consumer prices went up mildly and the increase of producer prices for manufactured goods became steady.
居民消费价格温和上涨, 工业品出厂价格涨势趋稳。
Article Consumption tax on imported consumer goods shall computed on the basis of composite assessable price.
But he only admitted those consumer products was commodity, and didn't admit that producer goods were commodity.
The Fittest Supply Chain Management Solution for Information Flow Improvement of Fast Moving Consumer Goods Enterprises in China
Jeffrey Preston Bezos is trying to assemble Earth's biggest selection of consumer goods, and put them on his website for people to find and buy.
I am afraid it will take three years to straighten out the prices of consumer goods. It may take even longer, if the prices of capital goods are reformed simultaneously.
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