单词 crushed 例句大全,用单词crushed造句:

Very intense aromas of crushed berries and flowers with a hint of currant bush.
The eggs are the unarmed civilians who are crushed and burned and shot by them.
The eggs are the unarmed civilians who are crushed and burned and shot by them.
For a protein smoothie, blend with crushed ice and add juice or fruit to taste.
It has to be crushed after firing and the aggregate therefore has sharp corners.
After the agaves are crushed at the distillery, why are they loaded into a hornos
Do add lime, small amounts of wood ashes or crushed eggshells to the compost pile.
He let the hapless Germans talks, then crushed them with scathing, often witty abuse.
他只是在倒霉的德国广播中机智地插进些讽刺, 苛刻的攻击。
Perhaps it was the crushed, social blend of booze and crowds that made Murakami uneasy.
Abruptly he flew backward, crushed the door with his back and got into the earthen house.
The apostles are crushed and demoralized in the aftermath of Jesus arrest and crucifixion.
在耶稣被捕, 被钉十字架后, 宗徒们完全陷于挫败梦碎的状态。
Fill a highball glass with ice, crushed or cubed, your choice. Add all ingredients and stir.
Blend ingredients with crushed ice and serve in a large goblet. Garnish with slice of banana.
Add ingredients to mixing glass. Pour over crushed ice in margarita glass. Garnish with cherry.
入混合杯加冰, 入玛格丽特杯饰樱桃
In the background, crushed cars and the remains of flattened houses still littered the landscape.
If a cherry pip is chewed, crushed, or somehow damaged, it automatically produces hydrogen cyanide.
Experimental study and analyse on penetration effect for crushed corundum concrete against projectile
The crushed rock is called ballast, and it severs both to distribute the load and to provide drainage.
这种碎石子叫做道碴, 用来分散负荷和排水。
Objective To explore the replantation of severed finger tips with crushed and rotation avulsion injury.
He crushed the paper in his hand as though those words contained for him a strange and bitter aftertaste.
Blend with 2 cups crushed ice until smooth. Pour into champagne flute. Garnish with strawberry. Serves two.
The building collapsed under the weight of the avalanche, which crushed children and their teachers beneath it.
Roller crushed concrete is adopted first within our country in dams with bottom conduits in Guanyinge reservoir.
This chilled mousse on a crushed biscuit base is accented with gold leaf, Louis XVIsoaked prunes and vanillatruffle foam.
甜点以碎饼做底, 放上冷冻慕斯, 衬上金箔叶
Shake rum, creme de banana, cream, and grenadine with crushed ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a banana slice and sprinkle nutmeg on top.

单词 crushed 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]压碎的,粉碎的  [更多..]



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