单词 Crows 例句大全,用单词Crows造句:

All crows are black, and he didn't want to be the solitary white one.
Laurel is his holy wood, the most favorite pet the dolphins, and crows.
And this is where we see the difference between crows and other animals.
So when they get really used to that, we move on to the crows coming back.
All was still, apart from a few crows calling mournfully from the branches.
什么声音也没有, 只有树上的几个山喜鹊扯着长声悲叫。
Proletarian, be aware of the raid to the USSR planned by the carrion crows!
And he asked that particular person, what do crows and fish have in common?
Watching the crows of ships flowing to the other shore of the ocean joyfully.
People always say all crows are equally black. We seldom hear of white crows.
人们常说天下乌鸦一般黑, 很少有人听说过白乌鸦吧。
So what's significant about this isn't that crows are using cars to crack nuts.
Father explained to me, pointing to a few crows crouching in other trees around.
The farmers tried to fear the crows out of corn by planting several men of straw.
When Kites gone, three Collared Crows, Magpie and Crested Myna occupied the tree.
Loudly did he shout and wave and scold, but the crows were not to be scared away.
Crows go in flocks and wolves in packs, but the lion and the eagle are solitaires.
乌鸦和豺狼是喜欢集群的, 狮子和鹫鹰, 是喜欢单独的。
Impressive Results on Frown Lines, Laugh Lines, Under Eye Wrinkles and Crows Feet.
In the gloaming, the crows flew in to gather for the night in a stand of bare oaks.
From The Crows Nest A Compendium Of Speeches And Writings On Maritime And Other Issues.
I said to the old monk with smile that I am afraid the crows cry may be ominous for us.
我笑对老僧说, 老鸦叫恐有不吉。
The appreciation person, crows singing sound also on has been dissimilar with the skylark.
The nests of the crows have become silent, and the murmurs of the bamboo leaves are silent.
鸦巢已静, 竹叶的微语也已沉默。
Enchanted Crows Upgrade Allows Druids of the Talon to cast Faerie Fire from Storm Crow Form.
At this critical moment, a swarm of crows suddenly fly over and cover him up with their bodies.
正在这时, 忽然飞来一群乌鸦, 将凡察覆盖起来。
During talking, suddenly a flock of crows flied across the low sky with sounds of their chirp ceaselessly.
In that sense, they paled next to the female hobgoblins, who were both as cunning as crows and as fierce as bobcats.
这方面, 她们与女妖怪相形见绌, 后者狡猾似乌鸦, 凶猛如山猫。

单词 Crows 释义

  • 单词释义:乌鸦( crow的名词复数 );雄鸡的啼声  [更多..]



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