单词 crystal ball 例句大全,用单词crystal ball造句:

The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels.
那个算命师有个水晶球, 而且头戴宝石王冠。
Dream of the wizard with a crystal ball, I went to another place.
The crystal ball can reflect various colors of light from the sun.
Gradually, the faded color of belonging to a crystal ball should be.
The Waterford Crystal ball is twice as bright as last year's version.
And I had a lot of always interested in the concept of a crystal ball.
One brought a beautiful crystal ball with a blue rose inscribed in it.
Analyses of economic indicators represent the forecaster's crystal ball.
I'm very sorry, but currently I'm having a problem with my crystal ball.
我很抱歉, 但现在我的水晶球有点儿问题。
Without a crystal ball, it's impossible to say where we'll be next year.
Crystal ball is in the mystery of wonderful artical excelling nature house?
The fortuneteller claimed to see her future career through the crystal ball.
Who broke the crystal ball careless and let out the experience in the dream.
I see you're the father of two, says the seer, gazing into her crystal ball.
On each piece of paper, draw the outline of a large crystal ball on a stand.
在每一张纸上, 画出一只放在台子儿上的巨大的透明水晶球。
In this farewell article, let's have some fun and look into our crystal ball.
在这最后一篇文章中, 让我们来看看我们的水晶球。
The old woman looked into the crystal ball for a while before telling my fortune.
老妇人朝水晶球里看了一会, 然后给我算命。
What sort of meditation is that, not seeing one's mind but seeing a crystal ball?
没看到自己的心, 却看到水晶球, 这是哪门子的禅修啊?
A crystal ball is said to be able to predict the future in some Western countries.
在一些西方国家中, 人们说水晶球可以预兆未来。
Actually, each person's heart, is just like a crystal ball, crystal clear twinkle.
其实, 每个人的心, 都好比一颗水晶球, 晶莹闪烁。
Images with the crystal ball can be stationary or move around as if viewing a screen.
My crystal ball said that perhaps you are planning to rob the museum in Auldale, yes ?
我的水晶球说或许你正计划抢劫奥戴尔博物馆, 是?
It would be nice to have a crystal ball to tell us which tools are worth the investment.
Oh, crystal ball, crystal ball, Save us all, tell me life is beautiful, Mirror, mirror on the wall.
It is quite easy to imagine Albus Dumbledore fussing around the crystal ball at the center of the contraption.
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单词 crystal ball 释义

  • 单词释义:(占卜用的)水晶球,玻璃球,预言未来的方法  [更多..]



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