单词 cultivate with 例句大全,用单词cultivate with造句:

Farmers cultivate their farms with cows.
Farmers cultivate their farms with spade.
To weed, cultivate, or dig up with a hoe.
用锄割草, 耕作或园艺
To weed, cultivate, or dig up with a hoe.
do away with the four olds and cultivate the four news
He purposedly tried to cultivate good relations with the press.
the very capacities that the arts cultivate with every encounter.
每次相遇这种艺术 都能培养出这些真正的能力。
With true vigour, we will seek to cultivate a spirit of selfdenial.
我们要以诚实刚健为本, 培养出战胜自我的精神。
Keep Up Pace with the Time to Cultivate National Spirit of a New Stage
Even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.
Simply draw a simple chat with the21 days you want to cultivate your habit.
Cultivate communication networks with your coworkers, your team, and your boss.
To cultivate clinical graduate students with high quality is the mentor's duty.
Help us cultivate capacity, the capacity to deal with difficulties and hardships.
To be learned to teach, virtuous to moralize, and to cultivate with a loving heart
以学为师, 以德为范, 以心育才
He is keen to cultivate relations with this company because of its good reputation.
因为这家公司的好名望, 他很渴望发展与其的关系。
Thus, Bunun men cultivate modesty in their ceremonies by harmonizing with each other.
Think much of moral education cultivate a new generation of people with the four haves
Educational Pool Efforts Are Needed to Cultivate Children with Scientific World Outlook
try to cultivate a less brusque manner a curt reply the salesgirl was very short with him.
Combining First Classroom with Second Classroom to Cultivate University Student's Spirit of Innovation
When we learn to cultivate awareness, we are laying the groundwork to deal with all of the aforementioned issues.
当我们学会了培养意识, 就是在为处理上述问题打基础。
Meanwhile, teachers should also innovate in teaching method and art, and cultivate students capability of connecting theory with practice.
要创新教学方法和艺术, 培养学生理论联系实际的能力
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单词 cultivate with 释义

  • 单词释义:用…耕种;与…建立友谊  [更多..]



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