单词 curry powder 例句大全,用单词curry powder造句:

Add a teaspoonful of curry powder.
Just add a soupcon of curry powder.
Add the curry powder and cook briefly.
然后加入咖喱粉, 简单地煮一下。
Curry powder is an American invention.
Add more curry powder depending on the strength required.
Add chopped garlic, shredded onion and curry powder. Stir fry.
下蒜茸, 洋葱丝, 咖喱粉, 炒匀。
Heat oil and curry powder in a large skillet over medium heat.
Allemande sauce with curry powder and coconut milk instead of stock.
Study on antimicrobial activities of two kinds of Curry powder extracts
We want to buy Cinnmaon, Pepper Cloves, Curry Powder, Fennel, Coriander.
我们要采购胡椒粉丁香, 咖哩粉粉, 茴香, 芫荽。
For this dish, we suggest a bottled hot curry powder and lot of the mild powder.
这道菜, 我们建议用一瓶热咖喱粉和很多奶粉。
In a small bowl, combine the mayonnaise, lemon juice, and curry powder until well blended.
将蛋黄酱, 柠檬汁及黄芥末置于碗中混和。
Heat3 tbsp oil. Saute onion, minced garlic, green onions, red chilies and curry powder until fragrant.
I shouldn't have put that extra spoonful of curry powder in this meal, but I suppose we can all be wise after
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单词 curry powder 释义



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