单词 cystic kidney 例句大全,用单词cystic kidney造句:

There are multiple cystic lesions within the left kidney.
The cardinal performance sinks to accumulate for the salt cystic kidney uric acid, swell, hyperemia, bleed.
Tonifying the kidney and Invigorating the spleen treat chronic function of cystic kidney crock up 65 example
Enhanced delay scans have great value in differentiating the special type kidney cysts and cystic renal cell carcinoma.
Objective To describe the histopathological characteristics of congenital cystic kidney disease and its classification.
目得了解先天性肾囊 肿病得病理特征及分类方法。
Cystic fibrosis and some forms of kidney disease are caused by the failure of key proteins to get where they ought to be.
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