单词 cut up 例句大全,用单词cut up造句:

The father would cut up his son about his grades, appearance, job etc.
父亲抨击儿子的级别, 长相, 工作等。
Arrange rolls, cut sides up, in prepared pan, flattening each slightly.
在锅里排好面圈, 并轻微按压。
Snow has fallen during the day, and the basketball ground cut up badly.
Despite the breakup being amicable, Cesc has been pretty cut up about it.
尽管分手和平友好, 赛斯克还是为此相当伤心。
Then the surgeon cut me and take out the appendix and stitched me up again.
It cannot be cut off or destroyed, right up to the attainment of Buddhahood.
Ford has previously said it would cut up to 30,000 jobs nation wide by 2012.
Cut up some strawberries for eyes, peaches for ears, and a mushroom for a nose.
把草莓切碎做眼睛, 桃子做耳朵, 蘑菇做鼻子。
Australian scientists have come up with an apple that does not go brown when cut.
Cards with illustrations are later cut up and reused for gift tags or decorations.
Later, she cut up her rubber sandals and disposed of the clothing she wore that day.
再剪破拖鞋, 并把当天穿的衣服丢掉。
Cut me up in pieces and bury me alive, The young ones will live and the old ones die.
切成小块, 将我活埋, 小的传代, 老的淘汰。
Will the fishermen make profit out of him? Will they have him cut up for the traders?
Once the economy picks up, cut costs and achieve profitability seems to be readily available.
Old Amons is as mean as a miser but it wouldnt surprise me if he cut up for a million pounds.
A jigsaw puzzle is a picture which has been cut up into bits, and you must make the picture again.
拼板玩具是一个被分割成块的图, 你必须再把这图拼起来。
They cut up rough, sometimes to person brutal, want to be constant very inhospitality with heartless.
The meats are frozen so hard that a knife will not cut them, and they have to be chopped up with an axe.
Sentenced to be hung, drawn and quartered, ie executed by hanging, the body then being opened and cut up
Crucially, the butchery was similar to that used by humans to cut up deer carcass in the early Stone Age.
很残酷, 屠割的手法与人们在旧石器时代宰杀鹿的方法类似。
To company that career that this come with the on behalf is exclamation with cut up rough with painful scold.
Sorry to cut our conversation short, but I need to be up in 5 hours. It was nice catching up with you! Good night :)
Finally, cut up the bread crust, and put a sausage into the bread crust and a hot dog is a recipe for a great hot dog.
After necrosis of the Wu worked properly a warrior to cut up rough in the meantime, three hurtled to come over toward me attach.
身后的亡灵战士同时愤怒了, 三个一起朝着我冲了过来。
In addition to linking up with Qwest it has aggressively cut rates at home, expanded into Eastern Europe and launched a telecommerce bank.
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单词 cut up 释义

  • 单词释义:切碎;砍伤;恶作剧;使悲痛  [更多..]



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