单词 disciplinary action 例句大全,用单词disciplinary action造句:

Should be given disciplinary action by the discipline inspection and supervision departments.
应当给予纪律处分的, 由纪检监察部门处理。
I understand that violation of this usage policy may result in disciplinary action against me.
Actionablity of the Disciplinary Action Against Students Violating the Discipline of the Schools
He could recommend disciplinary action or criminal proceedings against officers of the Department.
Special disciplinary action can be taken against military personnel acting contrary to regulations.
No disciplinary action against judges shall be administered by any executive organization or agency.
Those who damage equipment shall pay for it or be subject to the administrative disciplinary action.
The children in singleparent families were also more likely to be truant or receive disciplinary action.
Outstanding performance, during school has not been given any disciplinary action, physical and mental health.
成绩优秀, 在校期间未受过任何纪律处分, 身心健康。
Disciplinary action has also been taken against military personnel who failed to strictly abide by the recruitment criteria.
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单词 disciplinary action 释义

  • 单词释义:[法] 纪律处分,惩戒处分  [更多..]



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