单词 disclosed 例句大全,用单词disclosed造句:

NEPA requires that plausible statements as to the prospective impacts be disclosed in advance.
Disclosed is a safety explosion proof type sodium hydride adder which is an integral structure.
安全防爆型氢化钠添加器, 是一个整体结构。
The methods and apparatus disclosed herein can be advantageously employed in many applications.
An apparatus for transporting a storage media cartridge in a data storage library is disclosed.
Disclosed is a craft clothes hanger, belonging to an appliance for clothes relating to clothes.
Disclosed is an electric cutlery box belonging to the technique field of daily living articles.
一种电饭盒, 属于生活日用品技术领域。
Furthermore, the disclosed sensor can be manufactured in symmetric as well as asymmetric shapes.
而且, 传感器可以加工成对称和不对称等多种形状。
Apparatus disclosed generally include at least one lighting source and a beam splitting assembly.
Mr Cheng did not disclosed to the legislature his majority shareholding in Asia Ford Consultants.
The full budget for Jackson's private funeral was disclosed in court filings released on Tuesday.
Further disclosed are methods and kits suitable for nucleic acid isolation from aqueous solutions.
Natural change rule of total flavonoids content along with change of seasons was roughly disclosed.
Lastly, the functions, competences and structures of the Information Commission cannot be disclosed.
Disclosed is an electric heating instant boiling type water dispenser which belongs to water dispensers.
In addition, the carrying amount of the inventories carried at net realizable value should be disclosed.
The invention disclosed the preparing method of selective hydrogenating catalyst of unsaturated hydrocarbon.
Scope of Agreement. This Agreement governs Confidential Information disclosed during the term of this Agreement.
If the actual cancel after verification occurs due to the connected transaction, it shall be disclosed separately.
acknowledge and accept that the Prospectus has been amended in the manner disclosed in the Supplemental Prospectus.
At least two of Citigroup Inc. s top executives are seeing their pay cut substantially, the bank disclosed Tuesday.
Also disclosed is an apparatus for cleaning a hotdip galvanized steel sheet, which is used for carrying out such a method.
Disclosed is a reinforcing steel bar support, belonging to a support used for fixing reinforcing steel bars on the building.
一种钢筋支架, 属建筑上用于固定钢筋的支架。
Disclosed is a silkworm cocoon picker of slat type paper cocooning frame which can be used to pick silkworm cocoons conveniently.
Disclosed is an environmental protection and energy conservation novel kiln, belonging to a roller kiln for sintering a ceramic product.
一种环保节能新型窑炉, 属烧制陶瓷产品的辊道窑。
The bourgeoisie has disclosed how it came to pass that the brutal display of vigor in the Middle Ages, which reactionaries so much admire, found its fitting complement in the most slothful indolence.

单词 disclosed 释义

  • 单词释义:说出( disclose的过去式和过去分词 );揭露;使显露;使暴露  [更多..]



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