单词 displaced 例句大全,用单词displaced造句:

If hostilities do not cease, the numbers of the displaced people can be expected to rise.
如果不停止敌对行动, 流离失所人数预计将增加。
Volar locking compression plate fixation for dorsally displaced fractures of distal radius
Repeat the process with the dial displaced left and right to alight the head side to side.
重复与流离失所拨号过程左, 右下车头部一侧到另一侧。
Last year, a million or more internally displaced people returned to their homes in Africa.
Treatment of Final Closure of Southern Dike for a Project with Mud Displaced with Blasting.
In response, the police arrested the camps tribal elders and94 internally displaced persons.
Displaced communities are forced to move out when their homestead is acquired by the project.
在其家宅被有关项目买下时, 流离失所的群体被迫迁出。
Normal, only used in combination with letters indicating reduced or displaced clearance range
In case your own teeth become slightly displaced, your denture will eventually be not useful.
一旦您的牙有些错位, 您的假牙就会毫无用处。
Closely related to that issue is the question of the return of refugees and displaced persons.
The plight of refugees and displaced persons must be given the consideration that it deserves.
This provision thus protects freedom of movement and the right not to be displaced arbitrarily.
Support for refugees and internally displaced persons was also a burden on government finances.
The value of different imaging methods on classification in displaced proximal humeral fractures
The chloride ligand trans to the coordinated ethylene is displaced by an entering water molecule.
Five hundred years ago, Copernicus displaced the Earth, and put the Sun at the heart of the cosmos.
Both lateral masses are displaced anteriorly, and one side is rotated further forward than the other.
The lateral ventricle, which would contain a choroid plexus cyst, is displaced laterally by the cyst.
It is well known that displaced workers sustain prolonged income losses while trying to find new jobs.
The Mission was committed to promoting the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to Kosovo.
Currently half the total population of refugees and internally displaced persons in the world were children.
目前, 全世界国内被迫流离者和难民中的一半是儿童。
Retrograde interlocking intramedullary nailing for displaced, comminuted fractures of distal end of the femur
In this context concern was expressed about the increasing numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons.
为此, 人们对难民和国内流离失所人数不断递增表示了关注。
Today it is home to the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, where displaced apes are prepared for return to the wilderness.
It goes without saying that the process must be completed with the consent of the internally displaced persons themselves.
不用讲, 这一过程必须在境内被迫流离人员本人同意下完成。

单词 displaced 释义

  • 单词释义:移动( displace的过去式和过去分词 );替换;移走;撤职  [更多..]



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