单词 displaced persons 例句大全,用单词displaced persons造句:

The number of newly displaced persons increased dramatically in the first eight months of2006.
Support for refugees and internally displaced persons was also a burden on government finances.
With the return of the displaced persons, schools and hospitals, which had been shut down, reopened.
流民返回, 关闭的学校和医院重新开门。
Increased numbers of internally displaced persons and refugees returned to their homes in the counties.
These included sources working on human rights issues or with refugees and internally displaced persons.
The Mission was committed to promoting the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to Kosovo.
The return of refugees and displaced persons and the restitution of property were very serious questions.
Currently half the total population of refugees and internally displaced persons in the world were children.
目前, 全世界国内被迫流离者和难民中的一半是儿童。
In this context concern was expressed about the increasing numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons.
为此, 人们对难民和国内流离失所人数不断递增表示了关注。
It goes without saying that the process must be completed with the consent of the internally displaced persons themselves.
不用讲, 这一过程必须在境内被迫流离人员本人同意下完成。
? To create the security conditions necessary for the return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their property.
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单词 displaced persons 释义

  • 单词释义:难民( displaced person的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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