单词 fertile land 例句大全,用单词fertile land造句:

Some of the most fertile agricultural land was lost in that.
The land was highly fertile, and the growing season was long.
In the fertile land, different styles of prose are now grown.
在肥沃的土地上, 各种不同风格的散文竞相生长。
The moist fertile land gave off the fragrance of fresh earth.
They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land.
The hidden mountain jade, oasis aggregates gold silk is fertile land.
高山大河蕴金藏玉, 绿洲沃土是蚕桑丝绸之地。
Irrigating the land with good water is a way to make the land fertile.
In Guizhou, the high rainfall and fertile land bring in abundant crops.
The fertile land became the object of violent struggles for possession.
High mountains with rich, fertile land between them cover northern Greece.
They are building irrigation channels so that the land will remain fertile.
The former fertile land was deserted by people because of the loss of fertility.
What can we do to turn a large area of desert in the northwest into a fertile land
Land Seedling of Male Parent in Fertile Bed in Hybrid Rice Seed Production in Spring
The world has no shortage of fertile land and every prospect of meeting that target.
This is a land of rich fertile valleys that reach up to touch the edge of wild moorland.
这是一个土地富饶肥沃的山谷, 延伸到野生高沼地的边缘。
The land is lush and fertile, and the slopes are covered with terraced crops, meadows, and moors.
Jiangjin is in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, with fertile land and ahundant natural resources.
The scale of fertile soil projects shall be expanded, thus to enhance the quality of the tillable land.
These counties are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate.
这些国家是农业国, 需要肥沃的土地和良好的气候。
Thousands of olive and citrus trees have been uprooted and fertile agricultural land reduced to a wasteland.
He took some of the seed of your land and put it in fertile soil. He planted it like a willow by abundant water
Vineyards were mostly planted on terraced hill sides where the land is not as fertile as it is in the valley below.
葡萄园一般都是半山腰的梯田, 土地没有山谷的肥沃
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单词 fertile land 释义

  • 单词释义:肥沃的土地,沃地;肥田;膏腴之地;沃野  [更多..]



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