单词 gang up 例句大全,用单词gang up造句:

The gang tied up the security guard and put a gag in his mouth.
Police caught up with one of the gang, but the other three fled.
Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool.
每年, 孩子们都对我群起而攻之, 将我抛入游泳池。
Monica and Chandler pack up their apartment with the gang's help.
ichibu is not up to enter their gang loots , handicap, behind it.
一分不落的进入他们团伙分赃, 嚣张, 猖狂。
Not until a long time afterwards did I realize that he up with gang.
Police said the amount of moneylaundering gang of up to 1 billion pounds.
I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs.
I got fed up sitting there and chewing the rag with the gang like theirs.
We drove up and around the next corner then came across a gang of workmen.
Gang members dig up a rival's corpse and send it around the city on the subway?
Gang members dig up a rival's corpse and send it around the city on the subway ?
The language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.
the language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.
The sprocket adjusted, the engineer called up the gang and the men took their place.
那个齿轮装好了, 司机召集大伙, 每人各就各位。
The chances for them to be involved in gang violence and homicide go up astronomically.
Don't get mixed up with that gang. They have committed many bad things in broad daylight.
They met up with a group of youth who were from a gang in Dorchester, and they were killed.
The answer appeared to be to encourage the lot of them to thunder forward.In a high pressure opening gambit, the whole merry gang turned up in the penalty box.
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单词 gang up 释义

  • 单词释义:<非正>结伙;穿连裆裤;呼朋引类;通同  [更多..]



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