单词 fuss over 例句大全,用单词fuss over造句:

Do you remember the fuss we made over Daphne riding with Emmett?
Thellos is but just a small loss to us. Dont make a fuss over it.
这对咱们来讲是个很小的损失, 不要大惊小怪。
They are the same element which made such a fuss over North Africa.
在北非问题上无事生非的, 也就是这些人。
The manager in that restaurant is always making a fuss over trifles.
There is every probability that she will make a fuss over the matter.
Dont make so much fuss over the children, otherwise you'll spoil them.
Let us not abandon those things that should have been on a big fuss over.
People started to make a buzz over his private life, make a fuss over it.
I might have lost the company if I had made a fuss over the lost customer.
Diplomats at a conference make a great fuss over the shape of the table as they play the procedural game
The fewer possessions you have to fuss over, the more time you have for friends, family, flowers, sunsets, and the beautiful things in life.
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单词 fuss over 释义

  • 单词释义:为…担忧或焦急  [更多..]



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