单词 futures buying 例句大全,用单词futures buying造句:

Wheat futures closed sharply higher on new fund buying.
小麦期货由于新的买盘进入, 期价急剧上涨。
Index Futures contracts, Short selling is the concept of buying.
股指期货是合约, 买进卖空是概念。
Funds buying oil futures push up forward prices, steepening the curve's upward slope.
基金买盘推升原油期货的远期价格, 增加了曲线的上升斜率。
Buying cattle futures contracts is basically, therefore, a bet on the future value of the commodity.
买牛的期货合同, 是最基本的。
In an important breakthrough in gold futures point, the influx of some technical buying opportunity.
The buying and selling of futures contracts are carried out all through brokers on futures exchange.
在期货交易所, 期货合约的买卖都是通过经纪商来完成。
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