单词 endocrine disorder 例句大全,用单词endocrine disorder造句:

the endocrine disorder, chronic diseases can also cause sexual dysfunction.
中枢, 外周神经疾病或损伤均可以导致阳痿。
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder of reproductiveaged women.
Objective Our aim is to study the clinical manifestation and endocrine disorder of the bulimia nervosa.
These irradiations may cause an agitating mood, the endocrine disorder, which makes human body system out of balance.
这些射线会使人的心情烦躁, 内分泌紊乱, 各种功能失调, 退。
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单词 endocrine disorder 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]内分泌病症  [更多..]



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