单词 exploration drilling 例句大全,用单词exploration drilling造句:

Drilling project is an important tache for the exploration of oil and gas resources.
The Hole Sealing Quality Analysis and Water Outburst Proof Measure for Exploration Drilling
It is a new type of up jarring tool used in oilfield, geological exploration and drilling operation.
The question of how to use old well resource in drilling well for exploration department is discussed.
Application of Spot Inspection Management of Drilling Equipment in the Corporation of Geological Exploration
Landslide investigation in the exploration to drilling, cone penetration, geophysical exploration and the main pit.
Recently, the hydrocarbon shows in Leikoupo Formation were found during drilling and revealed a good exploration prospect for the unit.
近年来, 雷口坡组钻井油气显示活跃, 展示了良好的勘探前景。
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