单词 Eyes 例句大全,用单词Eyes造句:

She was lying on the bed with eyes closed. She opened her eyes with great surprise too.
她正闭眼靠在床上, 也惊讶无比地睁开眼。
Postoperative retina reposition was in 14 eyes, recurrent retinal detachment in 2 eyes.
He opened the curtain of the bed and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, looked at me.
他掀开床帘, 用他那所谓的眼睛看着我。
Just like we all have eyes, but some of us have blue eyes and some of us have brown eyes.
如同我们都有眼睛 但有些人是蓝色的眼睛,有些是棕色的
Her eyes were all white and turbid, and she didnt wear sun glasses to hide her blind eyes.
她的眼睛全白而且浑沌, 而她没有戴上太阳眼镜去遮掩双眼。
Results 40 eyes were successful in 42 eyes. 2 eyes were failing because of conglutination.
Try closing your eyes. This is a dead giveaway as you cannot close your eyes in astral form.
Postoperatively, IOL was in the right position in13 eyes and was slightly deviated in2 eyes.
Doodle, from drawing weeping eyes wall to find my weeping eyes, and weeping inside my heart.
Besides, chest and abdomen, ears and eyes, women's diseases, pediatric diseases may be asked.
Slant eyes and narrow, triangular eyes detract from correct expression and are to be faulted.
When you blink or when you blink your eyes, you shut your eyes and very quickly open them again.
The look for the eyes being deep and low merciless hopes underneath that corpse that shuts eyes.
I can't open my eyes to watch you jumping into the fiery pit, for I will shut my eyes at the time.
In contrary, lowest level of brightness may irritate your eyes and cause your eyes strained easily.
The eye that has no focal distance voicelessly opens, and northern wild strong eyes four eyes are inverse.
Methods 12 blocking rabbits were selected. Right eyes were experimental eyes, left eyes were control ones.
Apply morning and evening, avoid contact with the eyes.In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately.
Wavefront aberration of both eyes were measured and compared at preoperation,1 week,1 month and3 months postoperation.
Wavefront aberration of both eyes were measured and compared at preoperation, 1 week, 1 month and3 months postoperation.
Learn the secrets, Ill learn to like the elderly, and victory is really serious, like cat eyes bright dew to wash their eyes.
Avoid contact with the eyes. If contact occurs, rinse eyes thoroughly with water. Do not use on infants under 6 months of age.
Here the focal distance and both eyes parallax are absolute values which was measured by highly efficient sensor in one's eyes.
Focus on the eyes In portraits and macro photography, in focus eyes are crucial. If the eyes are out of focus, the whole image will look out of focus.
And13 eyes were condensed combined with scleral buckling and vitreous body incision, among which6 eyes were injected with silicone oil, and7 eyes with air.

单词 Eyes 释义



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