单词 donkey work 例句大全,用单词donkey work造句:

donkey work
Work hard and work smart, otherwise you just end up being a donkey.
努力工作更要聪明地工作, 否则到头来你只是一头驴子。
In my office the boss makes all the decisions and I do all the donkey work.
Bears hardships and stands hard work, electricity donkey downloading deep love first After
吃苦耐劳, 电驴下载热爱者优先
While the chef created culinary masterpieces his assistants did all the donkey work for him.
an animal such as a donkey or ox or elephant used for transporting loads or doing other heavy work
The donkey ate coarse grass, did all the hard work and often had to endure the hitting and scolding from them.
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单词 donkey work 释义

  • 单词释义:单调乏味的工作,重活  [更多..]



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