单词 door frame 例句大全,用单词door frame造句:

Technology Analysis and Die Design for Passenger Door Marginal Frame
This door won't shut properly. I think the frame must be out of true.
这扇门不好关, 我认为门框一定歪了。
A Technique for Erecting Torch Tower by Hoisting Door Frame Reversely
Two vertical doors that meet in the middle of the door frame when closed.
两扇直立的门, 当人们关门时, 这两扇门在门框的中间相接。
He bent down, picked up the door, and fitted it easily back into its frame.
他弯下腰, 搬起门, 轻松的安装回门框里。
It is widely used to heat transfer on door frame, lineament, picture frame.
A few minutes later the sting of police tear gas seeped under the door frame.
几分钟以后, 警察使用的催泪瓦斯的气味从门缝中渗出。
Application of the door frame operating mechanism of the cutting scale machine
The frame or framework for a window or door. The door is flush with the casing.
With labored breath, he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen.
老人靠在门框上, 嘴里喘著气, 眼睛凝神著厨房。
Application of door rigid frame of hanging crane for large span factory building
Transfer matrix method for inner strength analysis of folding door type rigid frame
What's the tiny life like on a door frame in Brooklyn compared with that in Des Moines?
Harry straightened up with a jerk and smacked the top of his head on the low door frame.
Now press your arms outward until the backs of your hands are pressing into the door frame.
Adjust the hinge to get the dimension C clearance between the lavatory door and the door frame.
The door that has an extruded aluminum frame is weather-resistant, shatterproof, and warp-proof.
Neville leaned against the door frame for a moment and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.
and a elastic component formed on the upper supporting member protruding to the back of the door frame.
The door and window are the factory has been done, double deck glass is sealed, give you together even doorcase window frame.
门和窗都是工厂做好, 双层玻璃密封, 连门框窗框一起给你的。
The reason for the door frame splitting open in 45 degrees angle is mainly because of carelessness in carrying or dissembling.
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