单词 door head 例句大全,用单词door head造句:

I have fallen, and the head touched breaks on the door.
She twisted her head sideways and looked towards the door.
He ran his head against the glass door in a dark corridor.
Furnace door head insulating cotton are light and durable.
炉门高温断热棉质轻耐用, 上下轻松。
The door opened quietly and the stable buck put in his head.
He poked his head round the door to see if she was in the room.
The boy popped his head round the door to see if mother was gone.
小男孩从门里探出头来, 看看妈妈是不是不在了。
I closed my locker door, hung my head low, and fought back a tear.
我关上储物柜的门, 低垂着头, 强忍住眼泪。
I got a nasty crack on the head when I went through that low door.
The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it.
Grab an apple, an orange or any other fruit as you head out the door.
出门之前拿一个苹果, 一个橙或者其它的水果。
The boy fell down, striking his head against the door and cutting it.
那个男孩跌倒了, 头撞在门上, 受伤了。
Rick appeared, bending his head a little to clear the top of the door.
I bumped him on the head with my broom and he went running out the door.
I bumped head on the door, and saw stars for some five minutes afterwards.
我一头撞在门上, 接下来的五分钟里, 眼前金星直冒。
I got this lump on my head by walking into a glass door that I hadnt seen.
我没有看见那个玻璃门, 撞了上去, 头上肿起了一个大块。
Though to be scared, but feel so curiously, so nestle the head up the door.
我虽然害怕, 但还是感到很好奇, 于是就把头贴在门上。
My heart pounded as I pressed my head against the cool glass of the front door.
Nutty flew out backwards,hitting her head hard against the Volkswagen door panel.
Nutty flew out backwards, hitting her head hard against the Volkswagen door panel.
纳提向后面冲过来, 她的头狠狠地撞上了大众车车门板。
Behind them, the door opened and Mr. Bell, the chief auditor, head into the room. Mr.
他们身后那扇门开了,首席审计员? ? 先生把头伸了进来。
He poked his head out of the cabin door for a moment, and got his face thoroughly wet.
Harry straightened up with a jerk and smacked the top of his head on the low door frame.
The woman said that she hit her foot against the iron door and her head against the wall.
Behind them, the door opened and Mr. Bell, the chief auditor, put his head into the room.
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