单词 door head 例句大全,用单词door head造句:

Speaking of lunch, it was time to go out the front door, head up Park Ave and go to lunch.
Budd shook his head doubtfully and walked towards the door to watch the busy shop opposite.
他向门口走去, 看到对面的理发店很是红火。
The cold wind blowing through the cracks of the door pierced his head like countless needles.
She dropped her head then, with a brusque movement, she pulled to the door, which closed behind her.
她低下了头, 继而以急促的动作, 突然一下把门带上了。
An umbrella with the handle carved into the shape of a gooses head leaned against the wall inside the door.
About a half an hour before she was getting ready to head out for dinner, there was a knock at Ellies door.
在晚饭前大概半个小时的时候, 有人敲响了艾莉的房门。
The village east head wife's husband's family, door sticks the deep red paper, house inside candle fire the.
There is an elderly gentleman waiting for you outside the door. He has a ruddy complexion on his hoary head.
I find a clean pair of socks with no holes and get dressed. I head out the front door. Theres time for breakfast.
我找了一双没洞的袜子穿上, 朝门口走去, 该吃早饭了。
She rushed out of the bedroom, intending to go and bang on the outhouse door, but at the head of the stairs she paused.
She heard the bamboo door creak and looked round her daughters head, all bloody, was rolling across the floor towards her bed!
她又听得竹门响, 她又看见女儿的头血淋淋地滚到竹榻边!
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