单词 double up 例句大全,用单词double up造句:

Because of the housing shortage, many couples had to double up in one tiny apartment.
Buildings in Shanghai continue to spring up without loft insulation or double glazing.
I have double it up further to ensure that the fish won't be able to cut the line easily.
Disease to the late, do not advocate blindly warming yang, promoting yin and yang, double up.
He bent double,hugging his thin chest inside his cloak,then drew himself up to his full height.
The getter up of two clubs will have a pair of skates, and a double breasted pink undershirt thrown in.
Build up safety civilization production consciousness and set up safety civilization double priority site
The middle reach was occupied by small craft,laying up for the winter and already double lashed down under weather-cloths.
The Design of the up and down Mechanism of the Oil Cylinder Oscillating under Double Actions by a Gear Wheel Drilling Machine
The prices of some designer bags have been marked up almost double, but there are actually more people buying them. It’s insane.
The Airbus Industrie A3XX, with a double-decker fuselage which can carry up to 656 people in three classes, is the plane that has sparked the dreams of airborne cruise ships.
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单词 double up 释义

  • 单词释义:把(某物)叠起来;(使)弯腰;<非正>挤在一起  [更多..]



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