单词 gun down 例句大全,用单词gun down造句:

After those bombs went off, they planned gun down fleeing survivors.
He raised his gun, looked down the long end and pointed it at the fox.
Military forces then swooped down to machine gun the fleeing population.
武装力量随后进行了扫荡, 用机枪扫射四处逃散的人群。
I took the gun, lifted it to my shoulder and sighted down the black barrel.
我拿起枪, 举上肩, 黑色枪筒向下瞄准。
You will be eliminated if you gun down by them or shoot the civilian three times.
The navy tied the enemy down with big gun fired while the marines landed on the beach.
Or in the employee who is so disgruntled and paranoid that they gun down their employer.
在雇员中, 他们是如此不满和偏执而枪杀他们的雇主
The clone troopers, assigned to protect the chairman, were forced to gun down Talz warriors.
He immediatly snatched out his gun and in so doing knocked down his own bowler hat which rolled on the ground.
黑色圆顶硬礼帽跌落在地上, 一霎时还亮出自己的手枪。
The wise policeman threw himself at the gangster and knocked him down just as he was pulling out the gun, avoiding injuries and deaths.
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单词 gun down 释义

  • 单词释义:用枪击伤,枪杀  [更多..]



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