单词 gust of wind 例句大全,用单词gust of wind造句:

A gust of wind blew the leaves along.
He walked away as fast as a gust of wind.
A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver allover
A sudden gust of wind blew her into the arms of him.
And a gust of wind to my face they can be really cool ah!
一阵又一阵的风吹到我的们的脸上, 可真凉爽啊!
A gust of wind overturned the aircraft and smashed it up.
一阵风把飞机刮翻, 并被撞毁。
A gust of wind, and snow flurries, accompanied the pilots.
Infatuated with a delicious aroma, with a gust of wind blew time.
You are too frail a gust of wind. I advise you to take more physical exercises.
瞧你弱不禁风得样子, 我建议你多参加体育锻炼。
You are too frail to stand a gust of wind. I advise you to take more physical exercises.
Though he seems strong in appearance, he is actually too weak to withstand a gust of wind.
他表面上很壮健, 其实弱不禁风。
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