单词 guaranteeing 例句大全,用单词guaranteeing造句:

Being able to call a manicurist to your apartment would be the first step in guaranteeing yourself the job.
A collector's International Certificate is enclosed with the Master's Signature, guaranteeing authenticity.
Mill confirmed that establishes this organization advantageous in guaranteeing the world natural gas supply.
米勒确认, 成立该组织有利于确保世界天然气供应。
The next day two of Hathaways neighbours posted bonds guaranteeing that no lawful claims impeded the marriage.
Information on the means for guaranteeing these rights, and on their enjoyment in practice, should be reported.
It the ability obtains the oxygen from the thin and diluted atmosphere, guaranteeing the normal work of propeller.
它能从稀薄大气中获取氧, 保证推进器正常工作。
On Perfecting the Legal System Guaranteeing the Rights for the Disabled from the perspective of Ancient Cripple Legal System
The effective management of the teaching design is the precondition of guaranteeing the smooth implementation of the teaching design.
A bank security guaranteeing the advance payment made by the employer to the contractor in case of affordability ratio bankruptcy or other cause.

单词 guaranteeing 释义

  • 单词释义:保证,担保(guarantee的现在分词形式)  [更多..]



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